Consider More than Money When Selling Your Business
UniPropitia provides the following services in the M&A space:
Consider More than Money When Selling Your Business
Sure you want a big payoff, but when it comes to selling your business, money should not be the only consideration. You don’t want just any buyer, you want the best buyer.
Would you consider a lower price for a buyer that fits the company’s culture? Would you consider an offer that’s a million dollars lower if it meant the difference between years of seller financing and cash at close? It’s common for deal structures to include a variety of options which must be carefully considered and evaluated, long before you get to the negotiating table. Allow us to help!
UniPropitia also assists in the Business Buying Process
Buying a business is a process that takes time. It can sometimes take years to find the right opportunity. Unfortunately, many buyers want to look at all available options, thinking they’ll recognize what they’re looking for when they see it. That approach is actually a waste of valuable time and energy, and can lead to frustration and an end to the search. Or the potential buyer may miss out on great opportunities because they weren’t found early enough or they weren’t ready to move forward with a purchase.
There are some key steps to follow in the business search process:
When interested in a business, you want UniPropitia to sell you to the seller – and prove to them that you are a qualified, motivated buyer by preparing for your search. Your motivation, lifestyle, expectations, financial statement and résumé will help you develop your acquisition criteria. Identifying and communicating your acquisition criteria, qualifications and experience will save time and frustration and will place you far ahead of less focused buyers.
Creative Financing for Buyers
The evaporation of small business capital markets and other economic factors have made creative financing the norm for today’s business buyer. During these turbulent times there are a number of creative financing options that you can consider.